// Accel + gyro.
imu->read_accelerometer(&ax, &ay, &az);
imu->read_gyroscope(&gx, &gy, &gz);
ax /= G_SI;
ay /= G_SI;
az /= G_SI;
gx *= 180 / PI;
gy *= 180 / PI;
gz *= 180 / PI;
ahrs.updateIMU(ax, ay, az, gx*0.0175, gy*0.0175, gz*0.0175, dt);
//------------------- Discard the time of the first cycle -----------------
if (!isFirst)
if (dt > maxdt) maxdt = dt;
if (dt < mindt) mindt = dt;
isFirst = 0;
//------------- Console and network output with a lowered rate ------------
dtsumm += dt;
if(dtsumm > 0.05)
// Console output
printf("ROLL: %+05.2f PITCH: %+05.2f YAW: %+05.2f PERIOD %.4fs RATE %dHz \n", roll, pitch, yaw * -1, dt, int(1/dt));
// Network output
sprintf(sendline,"%10f %10f %10f %10f %dHz\n", ahrs.getW(), ahrs.getX(), ahrs.getY(), ahrs.getZ(), int(1/dt));
sendto(sockfd, sendline, strlen(sendline), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&servaddr, sizeof(servaddr));
dtsumm = 0;