2016年4月22日 星期五
2016年4月21日 星期四
apm setup
在初次設定中,其中一步就是您必須使用Mission Planner來設定一些必要的硬體組件,此頁面將詳細介紹您選擇機架方向、設定RC搖控器/接收機、及校正羅盤及加速度計的流程。
在Mission Planner的Initial Setup畫面中選擇Mandatory Hardware > Frame Type。選擇對應您飛行器的機架類型。而方向的話預設的情況下是設定為X,如果您想讓其中一個機臂朝向前方請選擇Plus(+)的設定,對於三軸飛行器(Tricopter)、傳統直升機及Y6,是不理會機架類型的。
(如果是H型機架的四軸飛行器請在Advanced Parameter頁籤中將此選項設為3,並且為了使用H型機架的架構將左後方及右後方的螺旋槳交換,同時反轉這兩個馬達的旋轉方向(透過交換馬達的兩根線),並將前面兩個馬達也使用同樣步驟操作。
- 在Intial Setup > Mandatory Hardware選擇Compass,並選擇您羅盤擺放位置的正確設定。
- 請確定Enable及AutoDec的核選方塊已勾選。
- 點選 “Live Calibration” 按鈕。
- 下一步請選擇您飛控的設定,如果是Pixhawk或是PX4請選擇有Pixhawk圖片的Pixhawk/PX4的選項。如果是APM2.6請選擇有GPS+羅盤模組圖片的APM with External Compass選項,這些選項將會自動幫您輸入對應您飛控板的正確數值,請確定您在安裝GPS+羅盤模組時,上面的箭頭是與飛控上的前頭一樣朝著飛行器的正前方。
- 這時將會彈出一個視窗告知您有60秒的時間來將APM/PX4繞著所有的軸向來旋轉,請點選"OK"。
- 接著會有一個顯示Mission Planner正在收集羅盤資料的倒數計時畫面。
- 接著在這60秒內您必須抓住您的飛行器在控中慢慢的旋轉讓每一面(前方、後方、左方、右方、上方及下方)都朝著地面數秒鐘。
- 當完成之後會有另一個視窗彈出告知您它所計算出來的新差異值。
- 在APM上,只要全部的三個值都介於-150到150之前就表示這些值正常,請點選"OK"。
- 註,在PX4及Pixhawk上這三個值必須比150大或小於-150,請點選OK。
在Initial Setup裡從左側選單選擇Accel Calibration。
如果你是使用ArduCopter以上請確定您已勾選AC 3.0+的核取方塊。而如果您是使用2.9.1b(或更早的版本),請不要勾選此核取方塊。在此程序中您須要在過程中將飛行器如下圖所示的每一面依次擺好飛行器,此步驟中的水平位置是否正確是非常重要的,因為這將是飛控在飛行過程中控制您水平姿態的依據。
如果您已經準備好要校正了請按下Calibrate Accel。
Mission Planner會提示彈出對話框告知您將飛行器放置各個校正方向,過程中會告知您須要放置的方向。(無須一定要去點選Click When Done按鈕)
當Mission Planner如下圖所示的顯示 “Calibration Successful!"表示您已完成了校正程序。
Mode 1搖控器(日本手),是使用左邊搖桿來控制pitch跟yaw,右邊搖桿則是油門跟roll。
Mode 2搖控器(美國手),是使用左邊搖桿來控制油門跟yaw,古邊搖桿則是pitch跟roll。
點選Mission Planner畫面右下方的"Calibrate Radio"按鈕,Mission Planner將會呼叫一個對話框來提醒您是否打開搖控器、電池是否確定沒有接上以及槳是否已拆下。點選OK即可繼續。
通道1 : 低位=roll 向左 ; 高位=roll向右。
通道2 : 低位=pitch向前 ; 高位=pitch向後。
通道3 : 低位=油門減少(關閉) ; 高位=油門增加。
通道4 : 低位=yaw向左 ; 高位=yaw向右。
通道1 : 低位=roll 向左 ; 高位=roll向右。
通道2 : 低位=pitch向前 ; 高位=pitch向後。
通道3 : 低位=油門減少(關閉) ; 高位=油門增加。
通道4 : 低位=yaw向左 ; 高位=yaw向右。
當roll、pitch、油門、yaw及通道5(及可選的通道6、7、8)的校正條上的紅線都設定到各自的最低位及最高位後請點選Click when Done。Mission Planner將會顯示一個校正資料結果的訊息視窗,通常值會落在最小1100及最大1900之間。如果校正條的方向與您搖控器搖桿移動的方向相反代表該通道在您搖控器上設的了反向。可以使用搖控器的通道反向功能來在搖控端將它們轉向到正確的方向。(如果您對這步驟不熟悉可以查看您搖控器材的說明書來設定)
cleanflight code study 00
// mw.c
void taskMainPidLoop(void)
cycleTime = getTaskDeltaTime(TASK_SELF);
dT = (float)cycleTime * 0.000001f;
// Calculate average cycle time and average jitter
filteredCycleTime = filterApplyPt1(cycleTime, &filteredCycleTimeState, 1, dT);
debug[0] = cycleTime;
debug[1] = cycleTime - filteredCycleTime;
if (rxConfig()->rcSmoothing) {
#if defined(BARO) || defined(SONAR)
haveProcessedAnnexCodeOnce = true;
#ifdef MAG
if (sensors(SENSOR_MAG)) {
#if defined(BARO) || defined(SONAR)
if (sensors(SENSOR_BARO) || sensors(SENSOR_SONAR)) {
// If we're armed, at minimum throttle, and we do arming via the
// sticks, do not process yaw input from the rx. We do this so the
// motors do not spin up while we are trying to arm or disarm.
// Allow yaw control for tricopters if the user wants the servo to move even when unarmed.
if (isUsingSticksForArming() && rcData[THROTTLE] <= rxConfig()->mincheck
&& !((mixerConfig()->mixerMode == MIXER_TRI || mixerConfig()->mixerMode == MIXER_CUSTOM_TRI) && mixerConfig()->tri_unarmed_servo)
&& mixerConfig()->mixerMode != MIXER_AIRPLANE
&& mixerConfig()->mixerMode != MIXER_FLYING_WING
) {
rcCommand[YAW] = 0;
if (throttleCorrectionConfig()->throttle_correction_value && (FLIGHT_MODE(ANGLE_MODE) || FLIGHT_MODE(HORIZON_MODE))) {
rcCommand[THROTTLE] += calculateThrottleAngleCorrection(throttleCorrectionConfig()->throttle_correction_value);
#ifdef GPS
if (sensors(SENSOR_GPS)) {
// PID - note this is function pointer set by setPIDController()
if (motorControlEnable) {
if (!cliMode && feature(FEATURE_BLACKBOX)) {
static void imuCalculateEstimatedAttitude(void)
static filterStatePt1_t accLPFState[3];
static uint32_t previousIMUUpdateTime;
float rawYawError = 0;
int32_t axis;
bool useAcc = false;
bool useMag = false;
bool useYaw = false;
uint32_t currentTime = micros();
uint32_t deltaT = currentTime - previousIMUUpdateTime;
previousIMUUpdateTime = currentTime;
// Smooth and use only valid accelerometer readings
for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
if (imuRuntimeConfig->acc_cut_hz > 0) {
accSmooth[axis] = filterApplyPt1(accADC[axis], &accLPFState[axis], imuRuntimeConfig->acc_cut_hz, deltaT * 1e-6f);
} else {
accSmooth[axis] = accADC[axis];
if (imuIsAccelerometerHealthy()) {
useAcc = true;
#ifdef MAG
if (sensors(SENSOR_MAG) && isMagnetometerHealthy()) {
useMag = true;
#if defined(GPS)
else if (STATE(FIXED_WING) && sensors(SENSOR_GPS) && STATE(GPS_FIX) && GPS_numSat >= 5 && GPS_speed >= 300) {
// In case of a fixed-wing aircraft we can use GPS course over ground to correct heading
rawYawError = DECIDEGREES_TO_RADIANS(attitude.values.yaw - GPS_ground_course);
useYaw = true;
imuMahonyAHRSupdate(deltaT * 1e-6f,
gyroADC[X] * gyroScale, gyroADC[Y] * gyroScale, gyroADC[Z] * gyroScale,
useAcc, accSmooth[X], accSmooth[Y], accSmooth[Z],
useMag, magADC[X], magADC[Y], magADC[Z],
useYaw, rawYawError);
imuCalculateAcceleration(deltaT); // rotate acc vector into earth frame
STATIC_UNIT_TESTED void imuUpdateEulerAngles(void)
/* Compute pitch/roll angles */
attitude.values.roll = lrintf(atan2_approx(rMat[2][1], rMat[2][2]) * (1800.0f / M_PIf));
attitude.values.pitch = lrintf(((0.5f * M_PIf) - acos_approx(-rMat[2][0])) * (1800.0f / M_PIf));
attitude.values.yaw = lrintf((-atan2_approx(rMat[1][0], rMat[0][0]) * (1800.0f / M_PIf) + magneticDeclination));
if (attitude.values.yaw < 0)
attitude.values.yaw += 3600;
/* Update small angle state */
if (rMat[2][2] > smallAngleCosZ) {
} else {
build cleanflight in eclipse
cdt install web site
Ref : https://github.com/cleanflight/cleanflight/blob/master/docs/development/Building%20in%20Eclipse.md
2016年4月20日 星期三
PID video
case Too high P gain:
-> Oscillate rapidly
Gain height easily
Hard to control Height
Oscillate sound from the motors.
case : Too low P gain
-> Hard to control
-> Easy to correct over
case :Good P gain... too high I gain
->Oscillates... but with a lower frequency than with a too high p -gain
case Good P gain... too low I gain
-> move to back when stick is release due to gravity.
Easy to move by hand over long time
case Good P gain... Good I gain
-> Stay in position when stick is release .
hard to move by hand over long time
Sometimes Your I gain is can be two times higher than your p for a lot of module
一開始先調P gain.... 一直調到 會快速震盪....代表 P gain 太大....再慢慢減低...
接下來調I gain...
D gain 是用來對付強風的...因為加速度很大...
Ref : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtocGBngSrA
CC3D Atom 外加 氣壓計+羅盤 -> Clean flight
Firmware 刷 INAV 1.1RC2
另外補充 刷這版軟體 接收機要用PPM 模式比較好,接腳功能才會全開, 尤其是CC3D 一定要用PPM
Quick summary of main features:
- Legacy BARO, SONAR, GPS PH, GPS RTH modes are removed and replaced by ALTHOLD, POSHOLD and RTH modes
- Gyro and accelerometer FIR filtering
- Quaternion IMU logic for Level modes. More precision, less drift and faster performance
- Advanced INS/GPS position estimation for best accuracy
- Advanced accelerometer and magnetometer calibration
- Smart RTH (return to home) that would use the safe altitude to return home - avoid the trees and buildings - and land
- RTH on failsafe (radio signal loss)
- Waypoints and fully autonomous missions (work in progress)
iNav has different config settings and simply restoring old backup will result in poor performance!
Please read the docs before you go fly iNav for the first time:
Advanced accelerometer calibration
CLI variable reference
GPS Failsafe and Glitch Protection
Navigation modes
iNav on GitHub:
Firmware builds:
Advanced accelerometer calibration
Konstantin Sharlaimov edited this page on 30 Jan · 9 revisions
Pages 15
- Home
- [WiP] Quick setup guide
- Advanced accelerometer calibration
- Coordinate systems
- Custom mixes for exotic setups
- GPS Failsafe and Glitch Protection
- HOWTO setup iNAV for fixed wing
- INAV blackbox variables
- iNav CLI variables
- iNav setup checklist
- Inertial position estimator (INAV)
- Navigation modes
- PID description
- RTH Altitude control modes
- Tested PID values on different types of aircrafts
Accelerometer calibration is mandatory if inertial position estimation is used. Modern accelerometer sensors are accurate, but they require calibration if we want precise measurements. Sensors might be biased, gains on different axis might be different. Advanced 6-point calibration takes care of all irregularities sensor might have.
Accelerometer calibration steps

- Connect the copter to the "Configurator" software, select the "Setup" tab.
- Place copter level (pos 1) and press "Calibrate Accelerometer" button. Advanced calibration has been activated and recorded the 1-st data point.
- Place copter on all sides in sequence (pos 2-6): on its back, right side, nose up, left side, nose down. Press "Calibrate Accelerometer" button for in every position. The advanced calibration algorithm will record 2-nd to 6-th data points.
- After all 6 positions have been recorded advanced calibration will calculate offsets and gains and store them in EEPROM. Accelerometer calibration done.
- Use CLI to verify that accgain_x, accgain_y and accgain_z parameters are NOT ZERO. If they are, algorithm failed to converge, calibration failed and needs to be repeated.
There is no need to place copter perfectly aligned, the algorithm does not care about exact positions as long as they are close to 90 degree apart and copter is stationary in every position.
Level calibration
Proper accelerometer calibration does not guarantee copter being level. Chip might be misaligned on board or the board itself might be mounted at some tiny angle. For level flight and navigation features to work you need to trim the firmware to level flight using "Board Alignment" on the "Configuration" tab.
NOTE! Unlike in "official" Cleanflight firmware board alignment angles are set in degrees*10, so if you need to trim your board 1.5 degrees you should enter "15".
NOTE2! To keep things compatible with official Configurator, angles more than 36 deg and less than -18 deg can only be set through CLI parameters: align_board_pitch, align_board_roll andalign_board_yaw.
This applies to mounting the flight controller at 90 degree to keep USB port accessible. You have to set align_board_yaw=900 from CLI.
Backup and restore the settings
To avoid going through full calibration after resetting the configuration new CLI settings are introduced to get and set accelerometer offsets and gains: acczero_x, acczero_y, acczero_z,accgain_x, accgain_y, accgain_z.
iNav CLI variables
oleost edited this page 7 days ago · 28 revisions
Pages 15
- Home
- [WiP] Quick setup guide
- Advanced accelerometer calibration
- Coordinate systems
- Custom mixes for exotic setups
- GPS Failsafe and Glitch Protection
- HOWTO setup iNAV for fixed wing
- INAV blackbox variables
- iNav CLI variables
- iNav setup checklist
- Inertial position estimator (INAV)
- Navigation modes
- PID description
- RTH Altitude control modes
- Tested PID values on different types of aircrafts
Cleanflight CLI variables related to navigation features
General/Shared Variables
Variable | Description/Units | Min | Max |
align_mag | When using an external magnetometer sensor this should be set to actual sensor alignment relative to board. Values: DEFAULT, CW0, CW90, CW180, CW270, CW0FLIP, CW90FLIP, CW180FLIP, CW270FLIP | ||
align_board_roll | Board alignment on ROLL axis (deg * 10) | -1800 | 3600 |
align_board_pitch | Board alignment on PITCH axis (deg * 10) | -1800 | 3600 |
align_board_yaw | Board alignment on YAW axis (deg * 10) | -1800 | 3600 |
gps_provider | GPS hardware type: NMEA, UBLOX, NAZA, I2C-NAV | ||
gps_nav_model | GPS navigation model: LOW_G (Pedestrian), HIGH_G (Airborne<4G). Currently supported only of Ublox GPS modules. HIGH_G may increase accuracy, especially on fast and agile airplanes, but it requires much better satellite signal quality. Safe default is "LOW_G". | ||
failsafe_procedure | Failsafe type: SET-THR - set throttle tofailsafe_throttle , RTH - execute RTH sequence if possible, land otherwise | ||
max_angle_inclination_rll | Maximum inclination in level mode (ROLL axis) | 100 | 900 |
max_angle_inclination_pit | Maximum inclination in level mode (PITCH axis) | 100 | 900 |
inav_accz_unarmedcal | Controls if inertial position estimator should compute gravity offset on accelerometer Z-axis dynamically when drone is unarmed. Mostly affects accuracy of altitude estimation and althold performace. No real reason to disable this feature. | OFF | ON |
inav_use_gps_velned | Defined if iNav should use velocity data provided by GPS module for doing position and speed estimation. If set to OFF iNav will fallback to calculating velocity from GPS coordinates. Using native velocity data may improve performance on some GPS modules. Some GPS modules introduce significant delay and using native velocity may actually result in much worse performance. Safe default is "OFF" | OFF | ON |
inav_gps_delay | GPS position and velocity data usually arrive with a delay. This parameter defines this delay. Default should be reasonable for most GPS receivers. | 0 | 500 |
inav_gps_min_sats | Minimum number of GPS satellites in view to consider GPS position valid. Some GPS receivers appeared to be very inaccurate with low satellite count. | 5 | 10 |
inav_w_z_baro_p | 0 | 10 | |
inav_w_z_gps_p | 0 | 10 | |
inav_w_z_gps_v | 0 | 10 | |
inav_w_xy_gps_p | 0 | 10 | |
inav_w_xy_gps_v | 0 | 10 | |
inav_w_xy_dr_v | 0 | 10 | |
inav_w_z_res_v | 0 | 10 | |
inav_w_xy_res_v | 0 | 10 | |
inav_w_acc_bias | 0 | 1 | |
inav_max_eph_epv | 0 | 9999 | |
inav_baro_epv | 0 | 9999 | |
nav_alt_p | |||
nav_alt_i | |||
nav_alt_d | |||
nav_vel_p | |||
nav_vel_i | |||
nav_vel_d | |||
nav_navr_p | |||
nav_navr_i | |||
nav_navr_d | |||
nav_use_midrc_for_althold | OFF | ON | |
nav_disarm_on_landing | OFF | ON | |
nav_extra_arming_safety | If set to ON drone won't arm if no GPS fix | OFF | ON |
nav_user_control_mode | Defines how Pitch/Roll input from RC receiver affects flight in POSHOLD mode: ATTI - right stick controls attitude like in ANGLE mode; CRUISE - right stick controls velocity in forward and right direction. | ||
nav_position_timeout | If GPS fails wait for this much seconds before switching to emergency landing mode (0 - disable) | 0 | 10 |
nav_wp_radius | Waypoint radius. Waypoint would be considered reached if machine is within this radius | 100 | 2000 |
nav_max_speed | Maximum velocity firmware is allowed in full auto modes (POSHOLD, RTH, WP) | 10 | 2000 |
nav_manual_speed | Maximum velocity firmware is allowed when processing pilot input for POSHOLD/CRUISE control mode | ||
nav_manual_climb_rate | Maximum climb/descent rate firmware is allowed when processing pilot input for ALTHOLD control mode | ||
nav_pos_hold_deadband | 10 | 250 | |
nav_alt_hold_deadband | 10 | 250 | |
nav_min_rth_distance | |||
nav_rth_alt_mode | Altitude control mode: CURRENT, EXTRA, FIXED, MAX, AT_LEAST | ||
nav_rth_altitude | |||
gyro_soft_lpf_hz | Software-based filter to remove mechanical vibrations from the gyro signal. Value is cutoff frequency (Hz). For larger frames with bigger props set to lower value. Default 60Hz | 0 | 200 |
acc_soft_lpf_hz | Software-based filter to remove mechanical vibrations from the accelerometer measurements. Value is cutoff frequency (Hz). For larger frames with bigger props set to lower value. Default 15Hz | 0 | 200 |
baro_use_median_filter | |||
magzero_x | |||
magzero_y | |||
magzero_z | |||
acczero_x | |||
acczero_y | |||
acczero_z | |||
accgain_x | |||
accgain_y | |||
accgain_z |
Variable | Description/Units | Min | Max |
nav_mc_bank_angle | Maximum banking angle (deg) that multicopter navigation is allowed to set. Machine must be able to satisfy this angle without loosing altitude | 15 | 45 |
nav_mc_hover_thr | Multicopter hover throttle hint for altitude controller. Should be set to approximate throttle value when drone is hovering. | 1000 | 2000 |
nav_mc_min_fly_thr | Max throttle value treated as one of the conditions for landing detection. Must be sufficiently low to guarantee the "not flying" state even with full battery, but high enough for Altitude Hold controller to reach it. | 1000 | 2000 |
throttle_tilt_comp_str | Can be used in ANGLE and HORIZON mode and will automatically boost throttle when banking. Setting is in percentage, 0=disabled. | 0 | 100 |
nav_pos_p | Controls how fast the drone will fly towards the target position. This is a multiplier to convert displacement to target velocity | ||
nav_pos_i | Controls deceleration time. Measured in 1/100 sec. Expected hold position is placed at a distance calculated as decelerationTime * currentVelocity | ||
nav_pos_d | |||
nav_posr_p | P gain of Position-Rate (Velocity to Acceleration) PID controller. Higher P means stronger response when position error occurs. Too much P might cause "nervous" behavior and oscillations | 0 | 255 |
nav_posr_i | I gain of Position-Rate (Velocity to Acceleration) PID controller. Used for drift compensation (caused by wind for example). Higher I means stronger response to drift. Too much I gain might cause target overshot | 0 | 255 |
nav_posr_d | D gain of Position-Rate (Velocity to Acceleration) PID controller. It can damp P and I. Increasing D might help when drone overshoots target. | 0 | 255 |
Variable | Description/Units | Min | Max |
nav_fw_cruise_thr | |||
nav_fw_min_thr | |||
nav_fw_max_thr | |||
nav_fw_bank_angle | |||
nav_fw_climb_angle | |||
nav_fw_dive_angle | |||
nav_fw_pitch2thr | |||
nav_fw_roll2pitch | |||
nav_fw_loiter_radius |
GPS Failsafe and Glitch Protection
RiceCakeWtf edited this page 2 days ago · 7 revisions
Pages 15
- Home
- [WiP] Quick setup guide
- Advanced accelerometer calibration
- Coordinate systems
- Custom mixes for exotic setups
- GPS Failsafe and Glitch Protection
- HOWTO setup iNAV for fixed wing
- INAV blackbox variables
- iNav CLI variables
- iNav setup checklist
- Inertial position estimator (INAV)
- Navigation modes
- PID description
- RTH Altitude control modes
- Tested PID values on different types of aircrafts
GPS Systems can occasionally drop the signal (lose FIX) or provide significantly inaccurate position information (glitch). While errors are more likely in conditions where the GPS signal can bounce off multiple paths before reaching the receiver (multipathing), errors can occasionally occur even with clear sky.
Without updates from GPS System, the inertial position estimation allow approximately 1.5 seconds of position information but after this the horizontal position drift becomes so large that the horizontal position cannot be maintained at all. At this point the position estimator will report invalid position to the navigation core. If you still have RC radio control it is recommended to take back control using ANGLE, HORIZON, ALTHOLD or ACRO as soon as possible.
Action taken on invalid position is dependent on current flight mode.
GPS glitch protection
Sometimes GPS provides very inaccurate position information despite having the fix and the good satellite count. This event is usually called a "GPS glitch". iNav has logic to detect and ignore inaccurate/inconsistent GPS position updates. Glitches are detected by comparing the new position update received from the GPS unit with a position projected out from the previous update's position and velocity.
The new GPS position is accepted as “good” if:
- the two positions are within the hard coded INAV_GPS_GLITCH_RADIUS (currently 2.5m)
- the new position is within a radius that is 10m/s/s (INAV_GPS_GLITCH_ACCEL) * dt * dt. Where “dt” is the time difference between the two GPS samples.
GPS glitches are treated by the position estimator in the same way as losing GPS fix.
At the moment the code is experimental and "glitched" GPS positions are not ignored.
Action taken on invalid position event
These modes are not GPS-dependent, nothing will happen but you will be unable to switch into an autopilot flight mode (POSHOLD, RTH, WP) until the failure clears.
The copter will be forced into ANGLE mode, pilot will have complete control over copter attitude. If ALTHOLD mode was selected it will remain active. When failure clears POSHOLD more will resume.
RTH and WP modes (including failsafe RTH)
RTH and WP are considered full-auto modes. It is assumed that pilot might have no control over the copter so the safest action in case of invalid position is landing the machine. Copter will enter Emergency Landing state if failure is consistent for over 2 seconds.
Emergency Landing
In case of critical failure, Emergency Landing is triggered. In Emergency Landing state copter is forced into ANGLE mode, ROLL and PITCH input is centered to maintain level, pilot stick input is ignored and copter enters a controlled descent.
While Emergency Landing is active pilot is unable to switch into ALTHOLD, POSHOLD, RTH or WP mode. If pilot wants to regain control of the copter he should switch to ANGLE, HORIZON or ACRO more.
Tips to improve GPS reception and avoid GPS outages and glitches
- Place the GPS module on the outside of your vehicle (in an elevated position or on a mast if appropriate) with a clear view of the sky.
- If GPS module is combined with a compass sensor, place it as far as possible from the motors, ESCs and power wires (at lest 10 cm)
- 1.2-1.3 GHz FPV video transmitters are know to be interfering with GPS reception. If you use such transmitter place it as far as possible from GPS module and expect some degradation in GPS quality
- Select a GPS module with biggest GPS antenna. Bigger GPS antenna - better reception.
- Use a two-system receiver is possible. For example uBlox NEO-M8N is GPS/GLONASS capable receiver. More systems means better noise resistance, more satellites, better accuracy.
Ref : http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2495732
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